Sunday, May 22, 2011

Iron Butt SaddleSore 1000

I've signed up for the "SaddleSore 1000" certification ride June 4 sponsored by the Iron Butt Association: 1000 miles in under 24 hours. The route is from Houston to Fort Stockton (500 miles) and back. It should take about 18-20 hours of riding including stops. This has become a sort of right-of-passage for dedicated motorcyclists, and I want my stripes.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Homeward bound

Note: to read trip from the beginning, go to The Alsace Hotel, Castroville

We originally planned to travel the 600 miles to home in two days, stopping somewhere overnight on I10. But Bettie wanted to see if we could make it in one day, and indeed we did. This was her "graduation" into long distance motorcycling, as was my trip to Colorado last year. Now we are looking forward to the Grand Canyon next spring. 

Last day in Davis Mountains

(These notes are added after getting back to Houston)

Our last day was limited by the recent and on-going wildfires in the Davis Mountains. The preceding photos show the general devastation in the country side and extensive damage in the city itself. We were unable to complete our "scenic loop ride" that passes McDonald Observatory and circles around the mountains. The road was closed just past the observatory because active wildfires were still a threat. On the roads around Fort Davis we saw large areas of grass and hillside blackened by fire, along with untouched areas in a seemingly random pattern. In the city a burnt yard, fence, and house was next-door to our hotel Limpia.