Sunday, July 31, 2011

The thin green line

There are many heroes in the world but few surpass wildfire fighters
in West Texas. We encountered a crew staying at our hotel in Mineral
Wells. Fortunately they were at standby.

Even Denny's ...

... is a bit of Paradise after 320 miles I 100+ heat. But we made it
to Amarillo and the hard part is over.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Our SPOT track

See for progress.

Mineral Wells

Houston to Mineral Wells. Well it could have been hotter I suppose. It
hit 100 only towards the finish. But still a good first day.

Its always fun to learn something completely unexpected about a place
you've never been. Read about the Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells.,_Texas)

Leigh Anderson
Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Colorado and New Mexico

We are beginning a 3000 mile, 14 (or so) day motorcycle trip to Colorado. Here's an overall plan:


Blowup of CO/NM part

The end of Arkansas, the beginning of Colorado

The end of Arkansas, the beginning of Colorado: I wasn't very diligent at posting the last of our Arkansas trip. Didn't take too many photos because we were busy riding. We rode home in 105 degree heat, oh joy. Fabulous trip, though. Next up: Colorado.