[April 1, Lisbon]

Today we walked the Baixa, the historic axis of Lisbon from Rossio square (pictured left) to the harbor. It is surprising how manageable the city is to the pedestrian, and how tame is the traffic. The noise in below threshold of pain, and the act of crossing streets is no more suicidal than in Houston. Such is not our experience with certain other Mediterranean capitals.

From Rossio square there is a good view of the roofless Convento do Carmo, left ruined as a monument to the great earthquake.

Rua Augusta leads from Rossio down to the harbor. A pleasant pedestrian way lined with restaurants and shops. You may notice a remarkable absence of crowds, even during mid day. We are also puzzled. Too earhttp://picasaweb.google.com/G.Leigh.Anderson/2008PortSpain01Lisbon?authkey=pqF0uhPq_h8ly in the season? The Euro-Dollar correlation of forces?

At the end, a grand arch opens onto the

Praca Commercio, the "Trade Square", by the harbor.

The promenade is lined with wonderfully tiled buildings, but the harbor itself is a working port, and the beach is screened off. Somewhat defeats the effect of what otherwise is a grand public space.
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