Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sloth in Salema

[April 12, Salema]

IMGP3215Salema is one of the few places on the Algarve coasts that can still be described as a "fishing village".   Tourism is encroaching, condos and golf clubs nibble around the edges, but some people here do fish. It is a charming, no-pressure place to enjoy the ocean, a bit of fresh seafood, and do absolutely nothing. A "vacation from your vacation".

IMGP3178 Our hotel "A Mare" sits on a hill overlooking

IMGP3181 the town and the Atlantic Ocean.

IMGP3221 Before dawn, this little tractor tows the small boats from

IMGP3211 their resting place on the beach

IMGP3217 out to the surf, and back again when the day's fishing is done.

And the product of all that work,

IMGP3220 white bream.

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